Feather found in meadow; printed with portrait, returned to meadow where it remained overnight and frosted over along with leaves and blades of grass,
Portrait of a man met in downtown Northampton, printed on a pear tree leaf.
Portrait of a Northampton street musician, printed on birch bark.
I met this man wearing an Atlanta Braves cap while he was waiting for a bus. I printed his portrait on an oak leaf, first treated with primer/sealer, and left it in a meadow where I'd originally found the leaf. It became caught in tall grass, where I discovered it in the morning, covered in frost.
This portrait of a man in profile (he was conversing with a friend), is printed on a piece of tree fungus. The result reminds me of the image of an emperor printed on a Roman coin.
My mailman, Russ, printed on a maple leaf and photographed in a frosted field.
I printed a double portrait of my elderly neighbors, Francesca and Norm, on an oak leaf, and left it on the rock where I'd found it at the beginning of a snowstorm. I moved the leaf once before photographing it, creating an absent image.
This image of a young woman and her dog was printed on a scrap of birch bark, which got hung up on a tuft of lichen growing on a pine, where I photographed it.
The pear leaf printed with the image of a man in sunglasses later blew into tall grass, where it became caught.
I printed this couple on an oak leaf, and after returning it to Child's Park, found it the next day under a bush.
This profile portrait of a man in headphones was printed on a very delicate, dried and curled-up leaf; by the time I returned it to the field where I originally picked it up the field was covered in snow.
My neighbor, Norm, printed on a log.
A cyclist I met in downtown Northampton, printed on a piece of sycamore bark; after several days in Child's Park, it wound up in a nest of pine needles.
Russ, again, printed on a pine cone.
My young neighbor Emma, printed on a strip of birch bark I found in my garden. After I returned the bark it snowed.
The same portrait I printed on the feather, here printed on a lychee leaf from a tree in Child's Park.
Another aspect of the man in headphones; before the snowstorm, I photographed his leaf still attached to a sprig that bore berries. The wear and tear from this shoot detached the leaf, which I later shot on its own in the snow.
I placed this image of the young woman and her dog against a different background of bark, as a means of comparison.

Another shot of the couple on an oak leaf, tangled in twigs.
The manager of Teapot Restaurant in Northampton, photographed on a curled pear leaf that came to rest in a pile of pine needles.

One of Northampton's meter maids, printed on a leaf I've yet to identify, floating on the surface of a dark pond.

Another street musician, printed on a pair leaf that also wound up in a Child's Park pond.
A young clerk from Hannoush Jewelers, printed on a maple leaf.
Another young clerk from Hannoush, printed on bark, lodged in a fresh fall of snow.
A cheerful man I met waiting for a bus, whose image I printed on sycamore bark; on a windy day, it lodged in snow that had drifted against the base of a pine tree.
A man met in downtown Northampton, printed on a catalpa leaf, blown into a hemlock branch after a snowstorm.
A skeptical elderly man I met in a parking lot; after much convincing he finally agreed to have his portrait taken, which I printed on a log I found in a patch of ferns, where I returned it.